Make a lasting impression
Whether you're an actor who is auditioning or already has the role; whether you're pitching a new marketing campaign or perhaps preparing or a keynote speech, what will set you aside is if you have affected your audience enough for them to change the way that they think and therefore the way that they feel. Most importantly, how they will remember you for making this lasting impression.
Develop a narrative arc
Many great stories have a beginning, middle and end. This applies to short scenes, to songs, to twenty minute TED talks. How you frame your story and intention will decipher your narrative arc and the journey you will take your audience on. Whether you're working on stepping into the shoes of a character, or finding your most confident and engaging self, be in control and master the art of storytelling.
Find your rehearsal process
There is much preparation needed leading up to a performance or presentation of any kind. The process can actually be the most insightful part of the journey. Preparation of the material is vital but then so is the delivery. With the keen eye of a trusted coach, this is where huge transformation can take place. Using exercises for body, breath, imagination, voice, physicality, presence, nuance, personality.... the list goes on... you can quickly elevate your performance through rehearsal repetition. Even if nerves strike, you will have gained an innate inner confidence and the tools to power through and shine!
Perfect your performance
The first thing here to understand is that there is no such thing as perfection when it comes to the practice of putting yourself on stage or on camera. Preparation and timing will bring you into a present moment where you can feel centred enough to connect authentically with your audience. Allowing space for the imperfections and inevitabilities that we are not quite prepared for can be very affecting. It's often where the magic happens. If it's as much about the journey, then we endeavour to equip you with the skills, techniques and experience to carry you through to any destination!
In today's digital world, much of our communication happens online.
We are here to work with these technological advances and also take you back to your true roots of effective storytelling.
We're here to empower you in your self-expression and innate confidence, whether it be for your professional or personal life.
Let's elevate your skills to the next level!
Let's nurture your creativity and leadership!